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Expect Miracles 09/09/09


Last crop circle before 9/9/9: nine-in-mirror, 12-helix DNA, infinity & ascension?

Last crop circle before 9/9/9: nine-in-mirror, 12-helix DNA, infinity & ascension?

Everybody’s noticing it: 09/09/09. The last single-digit date in the Western calendar for a thousand years.  No wonder the energy gurus are out in force.

Astrology pundits are ready with progressed charts: Saturn and Sun in Virgo, Mercury retrograde.

Numerologists are having a field day: 9+9+9=2+7=9 .  

Crop circles in the sacred sites of Wiltshire have developed to their most sophisticated form: beauty in nature, tantalizing code.

Channellings are coming in thick and fast from the ethers.  

All predict a turning point, the Shift of Ages, new beginnings for the human race.  Ascension for some; a little farther up the ladder of awareness for others.

Naturally there are doubters: media takes pride-of-place in offering fear scenarios.  But even the media is picking up on it: energy is building in remarkable corners of the planet, in all cultures, as we collectively approach the day.

There are further signs that the ascension process is reaching out and touching more people than before.  

In 1987 the Harmonic Convergence of August 16/17 was heralded in esoteric communities like Sedona, AZ, Taos, NM and Mt.Shasta, CA and by New Age gurus generally as the beginning of a new process of awakening for humanity.   Bright planets Jupiter, Venus and Saturn were visible together in the night sky, with believers meditating and sharing a ‘global field’ of synchronized human intent for a positive future for the planet.  July and August 2009 saw similar planetary initiatives (Fire-the-Grid, Infinity-Gate-8, forthcoming Earthdance, September 26th) celebrating if not planetary ascension, then a progression of human compassion and increased awareness that we are all in this together. 

Astrologers have their own explanation: in 1987 a powerful fire trine occurred in August with the Sun and attendant planets in Leo, together forming a trine with Jupiter in Aries and Saturn with Uranus in Sagittarius. On 09/09/09, after a prelude of eclipses, solar energy doorways and planetary conjunctions, the Sun and Saturn stand together in Virgo, the Moon graces earth-sign Taurus, with Mars supporting Jupiter back in Aquarius where he belongs: abundance and plenty for all, release from the old restrictive paradigm, step into the future with joy.

Other calendars agree.  Among older cultures who have predicted this event for millennia, Judaeo-Christian prophesies rival Central American and Native American messages for the End Times.  Harmonic Convergence in 1987 marked the end of Quetzacoatl’s cycle of Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells. At that moment when the ninth hell fell, the Earth is said to have entered the 25-year culmination of its 5,125-year Great Cycle of History. Twenty-two years on, as we approach the end of the Maya’s 26,000-year Cycle of Evolution, (due to complete on or before 12/12/12) we as a species are being given evidence of our leaving third-dimensional spatial awareness behind and entering fourth dimensional (time) reality.

Scientifically, on a practical level, the Earth is changing.

Until 1987, and for thousands of years previously while the Earth was ‘asleep’, planetary energy frequency resonated at a fundamental cycle of 8Hz, or 8 cycles per second.  This frequency is rising.  Current frequency is 13 cycles per second, the musical note of Bflat, and a quantum figure satisfying mathematical proportions predicted by the Fibonacci series of numbers, based on the Golden Mean or Harmonics of the Universe. This is the progression 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 etc. 

A boost in planetary energy has been accompanied by a rapid decrease in the Earth’s magnetic field. Whether this waning of electromagnetic force will result in a polar shift is unknown, but it promises to reach a projected ‘zero point’, seen by New Age philosophers like Gregg Braden as a still-point in consciousness representing ‘a rare opportunity for collective repatterning in human expression’.

One of the Deep Space objects now visible to Hubble

One of the Deep Space objects now visible to Hubble

The number of wake-up calls is increasing: on the alarmist scale, planetary storms, forest fires, reports of famine and water shortages, statistics of diminishing clean air, ocean pollution, animal species hunted to extinction; on the positive side we reach ever farther out to the stars, create technology never before imagined, see the evolution of our species mirrored in mathematics and quantum theory. Our human consciousness is expanding at a rate previously unknown: Mind absorbing new information so quickly, it makes itself obsolete in seconds. As a race, we are receiving reminders to speed up our personal process of spiritual awakening, to enter the Divine Matrix.

Channelled messages from Ashtar, Sirian High Command, Archangel Metatron and Kryon of the Magnetic Service have been flooding spiritual social internet sites like Humanity Healing’s ning network, encouraging the individual to look within, to contemplate one’s own heart reaction, soul promptings and inner guides in this New Earth. 

In some ways 9/9/9 is a beginning.  It is also a completion. A different cycle of human endeavour is emerging, seen perhaps best in the person of a black Muslim as president of the world’s most powerful nation, where misdeeds and war-mongering may cease as a means to achieving goals. Instead we are beginning to get our heads around a long-dreamed ability to ‘create our own reality’, actively to allow joy and peace to enter our lives; consciously to become people who ‘pay-it-forward’ rather than offer payback.

It has been said the current financial downturn is comparable with the 1930s depression.  Astrologically the same powerful planets, Saturn, Pluto and Mercury, are repeating cycles experienced in the ’30s.  But Jupiter is abundant as never before.  On a planetary level current generosity and support for causes to save wildlife, feed the hungry, establish more enlightened health care systems are far beyond anything the New Deal ever devised. Yes, you could say the human race is hearing the wake-up call of 09/09/09.

In New Age circles it is said the way to move with the new energies is a paraphrase on the Judaeo-Christian (St.James’) ‘faith-hope-charity’.  New Agers express it either as ‘feel it; see it; believe it’; or ‘believe-expect-love’.  Either way it’s the expectation that counts.   

Maybe we really are waking up this time.  On 09/09/09 EXPECT a miracle.

September 7, 2009 Posted by | consciousness, culture, New Age, New Earth, numerology, sacred geometry, spiritual | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment