Youngblood Blog

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Saturn Retrograde: Learning the Hard Way

Uranus and the outer Giants come into play

A few months back I posted one of my astro blogs: on the Jupiter/Saturn Giants and their influence. At that time I invited Mehal Darji-Rockefeller to guest blog on Vedic Astrology – one of his pet subjects.

He has been inordinately busy this last winter! (lol Mehal – I shall pierce you back – I’m also Western Virgo; Eastern Cancer!)

Now he explains this ancient study of the stars and in such a riveting way highlights some of the differences between and similarities with Western astrology. He has the knowledge of eons on his side – Vedic astrology must be just about the oldest knowledge of the stars that we humans have been blessed to receive through tradition and ancestral focus.

While he posted this as a comment to my latest blog on June’s upcoming Cardinal Grand Cross, I believe it deserves space in its own right.

So, Mehal; you have the floor. Thank you.

‘I am certainly paying attention and know this was written for US, Marian. In Western astrology I am a Virgo. In Vedic or Eastern a Cancer (Crab; watch out I will pierce you). Vedic astrology is oldest so I personally favor it. FYI: to figure out One’s Vedic birth star, take your Western sign and add 9 months. For example, I was born 09/15 + 9 months = 6/15 – a Cancer.

With Saturn at the moment moving retrograde in Virgo, we must be disciplined and, with our phoenix determination, will be showered with blessings when Saturn goes direct in July. There is still sculpting of our souls in play. Perhaps not the most kind teacher, Lord Saturn is the greatest teacher or surgeon.

“Learn the hard way.”

With the Sun and Mercury (my ruling planet) both in Cancer, a Cancer/Virgo’s writing and communication skills will be highlighted and pronounced. Some of us may even write blogs! The use of technology will be used to take mass action and raise vibrational awarenesses in evolution and consciousness.

Mars in Cancer will add a lot of spice and zest to personalities. Watch out for bold recklessness. Insight, intuition, inner knowingness and interdependence of all of creation will be especially strong.

Mars adds spice to the cocktail

Mars or Muruga in Vedic will be the ruling planet in the Golden Age of 2012 with Rahu maintaining creationism. Uranus/Neptune are parallel to Rahu/Ketu in Vedic Astrology. They are the nodes of the moon. Pluto is absent.

A showering of awareness and marked acceleration of higher levels of consciousness will be aroused by Neptune in Aquarius (the Gardener) and Uranus. The creative power of humanity’s sexual energies will be ever so powerful as the Grand Cross, intersection of the conscious and unconscious, matrix of all matter or ‘Spirit’ of creation, is tapped into over the Cosmos.

I posted this on FaceBook and feel it would be appropriate here:

Astrology - Vedic versus Western

Astrology is not a bogus science. If the Human body is made up of over 80% water. And if the Ocean is made up of water. And if the Moon and planets influence weather patterns i.e. tides etc. Then One can assume that the Moon and planets have a strong influence on the Human Body. Water Holds Memory. FACT. So the Human physiological and nervous systems are influenced through this ‘phase transition’ or ‘critical Mass‘ effect.

I feel we, as spiritual beings in a material world, have reached this tipping point. I am personally experiencing the most remarkable of spiritual ‘delights.’ I agree with you, Marian, that humanity is waking up at a remarkable rate. Unprecedented opportunities, new doors and infinite miracles are all realities on the earth plane. Humanity is blessed. One just needs to maintain awareness and be conscious.

The Vedic New Year is celebrated on the first day of the Vedic month of Chitirai (April-May). According to the ancient text Brahmanda Purana, it is on this day that Lord Brahma (Creator God among the Trinity) started the act of creation.

The Vedic New Year truly represents the ‘New Year’ since it is based on the transit of the Sun into the constellation of Aries. Aries is the first sign and the natural 1st house of the Zodiac. The Sun becomes very strong and powerful when it is in Aries.

Each Vedic New Year has a unique name; it repeats only after a 60-year cycle. This Vedic New Year starts on April 14 and is called ‘Vikrithi’.

This Vedic New Year Day also coincides with the New Moon Day. As per Siddhas, the New Moon represents synergy of solar and lunar rays. The unique conjunction of New Year and New Moon on April 14 makes it a highly auspicious day. A wave of new possibilities and endeavors is in the works for the earth plane.

I also posted the below on Facebook and feel it would be appropriate here:

Ultra-low frequency range of 0-5 Hz is where miracles or ‘instant’ manifestation occurs. The name of the device ‘Induction’ Magnetometer implies it measures the ‘pulling power’ or ‘As you think so shall you be’ ideology.

Maintaining conscious contact with the creative power of high vibrational states can change One’s life. Music, art, meditation etc.

Research is being done in many primitive cultures about many metaphysical creation principles. This is why it is so important to maintain positive thoughts as we all accelerate the Global conscious evolution into the Golden 2012.

What you think about expands…’

©2010 Mehal Darji-Rockefeller

Editor’s note: Vedic New Year, April 14th is only a week away. If Mehal is right, then the sparks will fly. Thanks M, for such a great post and for alerting us. Ed.

April 7, 2010 - Posted by | ancient rites, astrology, astronomy, authors, consciousness, culture, festivals, New Earth | , , , , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Hi!

    You’re a Virgo !!!

    Me, Pete and Jose are all Virgos, with other orbs in the same sign, too.


    Comment by thevoicecontinues | April 29, 2010 | Reply

  2. well. well, well – now things start to make a LOT of sense. How wonderful, Cathy – thanks for letting me know. What comes first to mind is that while the Saturn thing (retrograde) in our sign for such a long drawn-out spell may be hugely hard on a lot of people, it is actually less stressful for us because of our
    1. ability to note detail; 2. we are already our own most severe critics 3. ability to transcend ANYthing and bounce into the new (virginal aptitude)! So while this is seen (by some) as a trying time, it is merely something we can focus on and assimilate as part of our ‘new’ selves. What a revelation. Bless you for stopping by.

    Comment by siderealview | April 29, 2010 | Reply

  3. […] Lord Siva, gold-adorned sculpture on Delhi's Gurgaon HighwayAs fate would have it, my American guest blogger, Mehal Darji-Rockefeller, who is steeped in Vedic astrology, religious symbolism, kundalini, working with chakras and […]

    Pingback by Kundalini, Crop Circles and Creation Experiment « Siderealview's Blog | June 20, 2010 | Reply

  4. … Thank You Mehal 🙂

    Comment by Cosmic Oneness | July 9, 2010 | Reply

  5. […] Evans Hart Johnson Pete Madstone (May 2010) Natasha Ramarathnam Rob Read Mehal Rockefeller (April 2010) Catrien Ross of Energy Doorways Tara Smith Jim […]

    Pingback by Equinox Signals Powerful Changes « Youngblood Blog | September 26, 2010 | Reply

  6. […] Evans Hart Johnson Pete Madstone (May 2010) Natasha Ramarathnam Genie Rayner Rob Read Mehal Rockefeller (April 2010) Catrien Ross of Energy Doorways Tara Smith (September […]

    Pingback by Energy, Intent and Writing by Jim Vires « Youngblood Blog | October 5, 2010 | Reply

  7. […] Evans Hart Johnson Pete Madstone (May 2010) Natasha Ramarathnam Genie Rayner Rob Read Mehal Rockefeller (April 2010) Catrien Ross of Energy Doorways Tara Smith (September 2010) Jim Vires (October […]

    Pingback by ‘Writing’s the one thing I can call my own’ « Youngblood Blog | October 5, 2010 | Reply

  8. Mehal just been arrested…..always thought he dark pretending to be light….
    nasty crime….

    Comment by sharon | January 3, 2013 | Reply

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